Wards Of Tata Steel Employees To Be Recruited, Management Reaches Agreement With Union.

In good news for Tata Steel employees during Corona times, Tata Workers Union has given a mega gift to the sons of Tata Steel’s former and current registered employees. 500 sons of Tata Steel staff will be reinstated in 10 years. An agreement was reached between the management and the union on Wednesday and under this, 500 sons of Tata Steel staff will be recruited in three years. Selection would be done basis only one examination. The list will be prepared on the basis of merit. In 2021, 175 sons of Tata Steel staff, 175 in the year 2022 and the remaining 150 selected wards in year 2023 for training.

It is being speculated that an advertisement for this recruitment would be released in February 2021. Earlier, on 8 March 2011, an agreement was reached at Tata Steel when Raghunath Pandey was the union president. At that time, 682 recruitments had been done in NS grade, 347 in security. There were multiple agitations, but the current president of the union has succeeded in this.

Former or current employees whose service period of employees is at least 25 years can register their wards before the advertisement is out. Currently there are about ten thousand registrations. The age limit for the application is from 18 years to 42 years and minimum education qualification is matriculation with English or its equivalent. Under the provision, a minimum wage of Rs 8778 will be given as scholarship in the training period and on successful completion of training, the appointment will be done in Block one in NS grade.

In other recruitment news in Tata Motors, of the 221 permanent positions, only 216 have been included in the confirmation list. On December 1, 106 temporary workers will be made permanent in the first round. The remaining workers will be stabilized from January 1. The first year will be probation period.

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