Rugda Mushrooms, Jharkhand’s gem is found only in Jharkhand.

Jharkhand state is blessed with forests, waterfalls, and its beautiful hilly terrain, tranquilly co-existing with nature and its indigenous people. Rugda mushroom (or putu called in local language) is a kind of mushroom found in the eastern state of Jhakhand. Rugda Mushrooms are one of the gems of Jharkhand that are indigenous to Jharkhand. The benefits and deliciousness of Rugda Mushroom curry have remained hidden from the rest of the world.

Rugda mushrooms are found in humid forests of Jharkhand especially near Sal trees in and around the time of monsoon. During the month of July and August or the month of Shravan, most of the people practice vegetarianism. There is an interesting fact that these mushrooms are never cultivated for commercial purposes. The fact that humankind chooses not to cultivate this and still nature finds its way to us, it surely can be called a nature’s gift for the Jharkhandis.

As these mushrooms are found under the soil, it is important to wash the mushrooms properly before one starts cooking it. Though in local markets of Jharkhand, the cleaned rugda costs 20-30 rupees more than the uncleaned one. It is important to check a couple of mushrooms from inside to make sure that they are fresh and healthy to eat.

Rugda Mushrooms taste like chicken or mutton and are a true vegan option for anyone who wants to try these. They look like tiny white balls and are usually black or an off-white in colour from inside. It is very easy to cook these with minimum ingredients. Once cooked, the outer layer is crunchy while the insides have a consistency like chicken liver. This dish tastes similar to meat and is a welcome dish in most of Jharkhand’s households.

How to prepare Rugda:
To prepare Rugda Mushroom Curry, find some rugda, cut it into halves to check from the inside. Sauté it slightly and then keep it aside. In another pan, heat some tablespoons of oil. When the oil turns hot, add cumin seeds, finely chopped onion and tomatoes, haldi, dhaniya powder and let it cook until the masala gets cooked. In the end, add sautéd rugda, salt and some garam masala. Now it is ready to serve.

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