Continuous Rain In Jharkhand Could Result In Cold Weather And Good Yield Of Crops.

Jharkhand Updates

Monsoon in Jharkhand is still active in the last week of September. This continuous rain at regular intervals could bring extra cold weather this time. Winter, like monsoon could also arrive early. Monsoon had arrived a week ahead of time in Jharkhand. According to the Weather Department Ranchi Center, it could get chilly by the last week of October. The department says that moisture being retained due to continuous rains is favorable for cold weather.

Scientists say that the continuous rain in Jharkhand is due to formation of low pressure area in the Bay of Bengal. The rains at this time of the year in this season are beneficial for both Kharif and Rabi crops . It is expected that kharif crop yield will be good this year. Moisture is very important for paddy crop and this has been helped by regular rains. Barley, peas, gram, oil, linseed, mustard crop will also benefit due to this rain.

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