
1 Million Winter Clothes to be Distributed Among Needy in Ranchi

In a unique initiative, the Ranchi administration has tied up with social outfits to distribute winter garments among the needy across the district. The campaign is titled ‘Ranchi Cares: Mission One Million Smiles’. Under the campaign, 10 lakh (1 million) units of winter clothes, including sweaters, blankets, masks, etc will be distributed among the needy.

Those living on the streets and cannot afford warm clothes fall sick due to cold and end up at hospitals. With the pandemic continuing and hospitals being flooded with Covid patients, the campaign aims at minimizing patient load at the hospitals.  Various collection centers have been identified where interested people can deposit winter clothes. All the clothes will be washed and sanitized before being given to the poor. Under the campaign, distribution camps will be set up across the city. Deputy Commissioner of Ranchi Chhavi Ranjan had held a preliminary meeting with several NGOs to chalk out the modalities for the drive.

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