
Jharkhand : Bumper discounts on EV’s, up to 100% relaxation on road tax..

On the eve of festivals, Jharkhand government today announced new policy regarding Electrical Vehicles named Jharkhand Electric Wheel policy 2022, with an aim to flourish EV over 10% of the vehicle market by the year 2026. With the announcement of this policy, government also came up with some tempting and exciting discounts over electrical vehicles (EV) stretching up to 20 lakhs. According to the new EV policy 2022, you will get the discount up to Rs 1.50 lakhs on the purchase of Electric Car and a discount of ten thousand rupees on the purchase of Electric two wheeler. This policy stretches its exciting deals on electric auto and bus where a discount of 30 thousand rupees will be provided on the purchase of electric auto and a big discount of up to 20 lakhs on electric buses. The discount on E-bus by Jharkhand government is pretty impressive as it will help the state to operate E – buses on large scale for daily traveling purposes in budget.

Relaxation on road tax..
Jharkhand government announced a considerable amount of relaxation on tax over EV. Government is providing tax relaxation to promote the manufacturing of EV’s in the state. 100% discount on tax will be given to the first 10 thousand customer of EV’s, 75% discount for the next 10-15 thousand sale and a discount of 25% can be rewarded after this.

Government wants Jharkhand to become self-sustained for the manufacturing of Electric Vehicles to promote Jharkhand as a manufacturer hub of new technologies. This will boost the capabilities of Jharkhand as a manufacturing hub and will also increase employment over time. Government aims to establish a systematic environment for EV’s and will open 50 charging stations for every 10 lakh population. With the assistance of central government, country is planning of setting charging stations at every 25 kms on NH. Subsides ranging from 2 crores to 30 crores rupees will be provided to the company setting up their production unit in the state in next two years.

Government has also announced a subsidy of 100% on interest, if a government representatives would purchase an electric vehicle. With an aim to achieve the Market share of 10%, government is providing full discount to general people and to the government representatives in order to promote EV and advance state towards pollution free and high-tech transportation future.

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